Juan Velasquez activities 2005-2013 Centre for Gender Studies, Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations and the Department of 

Kategorier: Utrikespolitiska institutet i medierna Aktuellt. Datum: 13 april, kl. 14.15 –15.30; Plats: Hall IX, University Main Building, Uppsala; Föreläsare: Alfredo Romero, Director of the Human Rights Organization Foro  Det är högeroppositionella grupper som bär skulden till det dödliga våldet och den utbredda förstörelsen i Venezuela. En central aktör i  Juan Velasquez activities 2005-2013 Centre for Gender Studies, Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations and the Department of  Det finns ingen gräns mellan svensk politik och den Europeiska unionens.

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Mogherini commented on the EU position on Venezuela 2019-02-04T15:57:48.617Z "The EU already has a common position on Venezuela, it is clear and lies in the fact that the EU does not recognize the legitimate elections last year and recognizes as its legitimate institution - its National Assembly," Rog Novosti quoted Mogherini. M. whereas the EU has mobilised EUR 117.6 million in emergency relief and development assistance in response to the crisis, working with vulnerable populations in both Venezuela (60 % of the funding) and neighbouring countries (40 %); whereas thus far the support collected by the UN for its regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan only represents around 22 % of the total requested (USD 159 We are actively coordinating a common position within the EU in regard to the situation in Venezuela, Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz has said. EU holds common position on situation in Venezuela: Polish FM (polandin.com) Second, the EU should foster enhanced multilateral dialogue on the issue of external financial and military support to the Maduro administration, to avoid the definitive collapse of democracy in Venezuela. The EU has had growing experience of handling and promoting peace mediations (Bergmann, 2017): in this case, a coalition with Latin American Although the party has not explained its position publicly, a window into its thinking was provided by Alessandro Di Battista, a top 5-Star figure. On Jan. 26, Di Battista was quoted by Italian media as saying he was vehemently opposed to the EU issuing an “ultimatum” to Venezuela, calling such a move a “mega-galactic piece of crap.” Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the situation in Venezuela The massive, popular demonstrations which have taken place in Venezuela over the last days have been met with indiscriminate violence from the authorities, leading to the tragic death of numerous people and many more injured and arrested. The European Parliament recognised on Thursday (31 January) the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as president of the country and called on the EU and its member states to follow suit. The measures “are designed not to have adverse humanitarian effects or unintended consequences for the Venezuelan population, and can be reversed,” the Council statement said, adding: “The EU will continue to engage and work with all stakeholders in Venezuela to promote peaceful dialogue and a democratic and sustainable solution to the crises in the country.” The EU, Venezuela’s third-largest trading partner after the United States and China, is seeking to isolate Caracas and to help remove what it sees as an authoritarian regime.

Det är högeroppositionella grupper som bär skulden till det dödliga våldet och den utbredda förstörelsen i Venezuela. En central aktör i 

2021-02-24 · “Venezuela will only overcome its ongoing crisis through negotiation and dialogue, to which the EU is fully committed but which this decision undermines directly," he said. Hours later, Maduro said in a televised appearance that “the European Union is welcome in Venezuela” as long as it is respectful and the Europeans “rectify” their position. The diplomats said EU governments had felt more comfortable in shifting towards support by basing their position on Venezuela’s constitution, which states that the head of congress can take over Venezuela’s Crisis: Italy Clashes with the EU Common Approach Nicola Bilotta* Juan Guaidó’s self-proclamation as interim president of Venezuela on 23 January has exacerbated the country’s crisis, threatening Nicolas Maduro’s authoritarian power. Venezuela’s institutional chaos has forced international actors to take a stand, particularly in light of the quick recognition of Guaidó Amb. Marjolijn van Deelen assumed the position of EU Special Envoy for Non-proliferation and Disarmament on 1 September 2020.

Syftet med utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiken är att bevara Finlands självständighet och samhällets demokratiska grundvärderingar samt att främja 

In all, Europe has differentiated itself from the US as a constructive player in Venezuela – one that is formulating a backup plan for political change in the country, in case sheer diplomatic and economic pressure prove ineffective.

Eu position on venezuela

It is an infuriatingly avoidable failure, writes 2020-04-03 2021-04-10 The EU will continue to engage and work with all stakeholders in Venezuela to promote peaceful dialogue and a democratic and sustainable solution to the crises in the country. The EU introduced restrictive measures on Venezuela in November 2017.
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On Monday, a statement on the collapse of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty was blocked by non-NATO member EU countries including Cyprus because it was apparently too tough on Russia.

The Assembly's powers need to be restored and respected,  Jan 7, 2021 The EU announced the position following the swearing-in of Venezuela's new National Assembly which was the body from which Guaidó  Sep 27, 2019 The EU has said Venezuela must work toward new elections amid the country's political and economic crisis. This comes as seven more  Jan 6, 2021 Unlike the position adopted by the European Union, Colombia and some Latin American countries allied to the United States expressed on  May 31, 2019 Juan Guaido is capable of leading Venezuela, but if Maduro does not give up easily, his strengths may disappear in the coming months,  Feb 26, 2021 Tension between the European Union (EU) and Venezuela has increased His position as head of the legislature also underpinned the broad  Jan 25, 2021 The EU's 27 states had said on January 6 they could no longer legally recognize Guaido as after he lost his position as head of parliament  Jun 30, 2020 Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro on Monday gave the head of the Guaido used his position as head of parliament to challenge Maduro's  Feb 4, 2019 Global support for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó While the EU has moved closer to the U.S. position on Venezuela, the bloc is  Feb 4, 2019 Venezuela's embattled President, Nicolás Maduro, rejects an EU deadline and Spain to persuade all EU countries to take the same position.
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Mogherini commented on the EU position on Venezuela 2019-02-04T15:57:48.617Z "The EU already has a common position on Venezuela, it is clear and lies in the fact that the EU does not recognize the legitimate elections last year and recognizes as its legitimate institution - its National Assembly," Rog Novosti quoted Mogherini.

Delegation-Venezuela@eeas.europa.eu. 2017-09-11 · Call for EU action in response to rights abuses in Venezuela. Federica Mogherini.

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Here are the countries and actors that can improve the most in the climate negotiations last, critical days. Saudi Arabia and OPEC Problem: 

The EU’s reaction to perceived democratic progress can include increased political dialogue, intensification of economic collaboration, and a possible cooperation agreement with Havana similar to EU pacts with other Latin American countries. 2019-01-31 2019-01-28 2020-07-03 Its position on the Venezuelan market has made it attractive to various disinformation networks. The first case of describing US and EU humanitarian aid to Venezuela as a Trojan horse, in Spanish Caballo de Troya, appeared in Spanish language networks on 24 January: Venezuela’s Crisis: Italy Clashes with the EU Common Approach Nicola Bilotta* Juan Guaidó’s self-proclamation as interim president of Venezuela on 23 January has exacerbated the country’s crisis, threatening Nicolas Maduro’s authoritarian power.